Thursday, July 26, 2012

BLOG #1 - The Most Important Person in YOUr Life is...

Please allow me to introduce YOU to someone who is truly amazing!

Are YOU ready for this? I know YOU are... Otherwise why would YOU be reading this page? Thank YOU by the way... I appreciate YOU stopping by... Okay, back to the introduction... I would like to introduce YOU to the Best Possible version of, YOU guessed it... YOU!

So now that we've got that out of the way, we can get down to business. What do you suppose I mean by introducing you to the very best version of YOU?    Well, if you are anything like me, and I'm thinking you might be since after all, our fingernails are made of the same stuff... Many people have told you things that lead you to believe that although there are good things about you, there is a lot more wrong with you than right with you. It happened to me. A lot. I remember feeling not so good about myself but didn't want to be a complainer so I just went through life hoping that no one noticed how much was wrong with me. I spent a lot of time wondering what people thought about me and even what they were saying about me when I wasn't around.

Then one day I realized, these people, the ones who I thought were judging and thinking - actually weren't. In fact most of them were too busy worrying about what I thought about them to care really anything about me. That was a serious A-Ha moment...

So why SterlingizeMe and what's it all about?

The purpose of this blog is for YOU, the reader. To determine and discuss how to go about creating the very best version of the most amazing person in your life, YOU.

From the inside out, together we'll discover the greatness that lives within and is waiting patiently to get out.   Step by step, day by day and one discovery at a time.

The posts in this blog will focus on the areas of nourishment for the body, mind and spirit. And why it is essential that these 3 aspects are in balance...

If you are able to, please read this next part outloud:

"Whatever has happened in my life before today has happened for a reason. The sum of my experiences has brought me to where I am. The most important day is TODAY. Where I am right now, in this moment, is the starting point for whatever is next. The past does not define me as a person, nor does it determine my future. There is one person that controls the direction of my life, and they are sitting in my chair. There are people who want to help me. Today I choose that I am responsible for my own life."

I invite you to read this everyday if you think that would be helpful... One thing that has made a dramatic difference for me when implementing new concepts into my daily routine is to use a dry-erase marker and write encouraging words, such as above, on my bathroom mirror.

The name of this blog, SterlingizeMe, serves to represent becoming the best version of yourself.

Sterlingize means to become Sterling. defines sterling: Noun - British Money. Adjective - (of a person or their work, quality or effort) Excellent or valuable. "This organization does sterling work for youngsters". Synonyms: genuine - pure - real - true.

If you make something 'personal' you 'personalize' it, so if you are going to make something the best version ever, you Sterlingize it.

I invite your questions, comments and suggestions as we participate and work together on creating the very best versions of ourselves.

Through this we will strengthen our families, our communities, our neighborhoods, our cities, our regions, our countries and the whole planet.

Here's a wonderful quote - "Yesterday I was clever so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself." ~Rumi


  1. I enjoyed reading your first post and your about me story. Really admire people like yourself who follow their heart. I am greatly looking forward to seeing where your adventures take you, and to upcoming posts!

  2. There are a couple of different things this stirs up for me. First, there is the idea of language and where that can take us. In my own case, this means acknowledging that I am royalty since my last name is King. I deserve the good stuff after all! Course there can be a bit of an ego trip here that requires some caution I believe.

    The other is that we all have unique gifts and challenges in this life. How do we unlock this and add to the collective history of existence our presence? Hopefully this blog touches on this idea a bit.

  3. Thank you Scott. I have lots to share, just working on getting it out in a format that will help you the best. I welcome your feedback and comments. Thanks for reading and participating. Hugs!

  4. JB - language is so important. I think we can talk ourselves in or out of anything and also we attract what happens to us based on the language that we use. This happens a lot with negatives. Have you ever heard someone say, 'I don't want a green car!' and then you see them in their new car and it is, surprise, green! Happened to me... the Universe doesn't hear the DON'T, just the instructions afterwards.

    I strongly believe that the level of success we achieve in life is directly related to our ability to communicate with others. Success in relationships, at work, in the community, our spiritual connection and everything in between is built upon connection with self and connection with others. If we can properly communicate what we have learned through our experiences and we can show others through example how we’ve evolved as a result, then I believe we are doing our part in contributing to the greater cause. If everyone has to forge their own path along paths that have been conquered by many others before them, it makes sense for someone to make a map. Yes it will take longer – however many will benefit in the future and the benefit of the effort is multiplied many times over.
