Saturday, August 11, 2012

SterlingizeMe - Become the Best Version of YOU! - The WHY Behind the Event.

So I’ve been asked several times now why I am putting on an event and what it is for, I thought I would share here how this idea came about.

As you may know I have been going through transition and working very diligently to find myself. A few days ago, everything sort of just came together. On August 6th I took a Wealth Dynamics Profile, it asks you a series of questions to determine your natural strengths. It shares with you what you should and more importantly should not be doing in order to stay in the ‘Flow’. In further learning about myself I decided that I should really define what I want to do and what is important to me. I was asked this question - “What do you want to do?”

This is what I came up with:

I would like to be forefront in a movement that inspires the spark of entrepreneurial spirit to become infectious. I believe this is a natural progression to having a healthy body, mind and spirit.

I’ve taken this as a sign to put it out there and see who’s with me. So please read, and if you are interested in seeing where this journey leads and what it entails, stay tuned and come to my event on August 22nd, 2012 in Calgary. [To register - go to]

So much of what we were taught in school and witness in modern day society is plain wrong. It doesn’t make much sense; it doesn’t allow us to be in full control of our dreams, goals and aspirations. Some of us have even become so detached and disconnected that we have forgotten what it even feels like to have a dream instead of just trying to catch up.

If we all came together and collaborated to push each other up, we would all thrive. If the language used in daily life, and the measures to preserve it were respected in all the moments we’d inhabit a different earth.

I don’t know about you, but I would rather live on that earth. I know that the only way to make life better for everyone is make life better for myself. The effect of my continuously improved behaviour will have a good impact in my life and also in the lives of those around me.

Together I believe that we can change the world. I have had the great fortune of receiving training and coaching from amazing individuals, two of whom have made a particularity big impact. What they share are a few core values, and the inner knowing of what they appreciate. Their passion is helping people from the inside out become the healthiest, happiest and wealthiest people they can be.

I use the teachings of Specialist Doctor Natasha Iyer and Coach Marco Kozlowski in my own life to effect small change in the right direction that blossom and evolve into positive lasting big change. I figured if this is what is helping me, why not set something up so that this is what can help others? So here we are… 11 days away from my very first event. Am I scared – yes. Am I nervous – yes. And after I give my head a little shake, do I know deep within myself that this is the right thing to do at the right time with the right people – YES! And that makes me EXCITED. I know this will be an incredibly inspiring evening. The right pieces are coming together.

This is what I believe - Every second of every minute of every hour of every day our bodies, which are made up of trillions upon trillions of cells are generating. If they have the right ingredients (building blocks of life) then they RE-Generate. If they get the wrong ingredients (chemicals, poisons, processed crap) they DE-Generate.

If we focus on what we DO want and then take the proper steps to achieve that and make it a reality, the rest of the stuff naturally falls away and becomes nothing more than a distant memory.

I want to make a difference. I know that I can’t do this alone.

Please join me and let’s make a difference together.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

BLOG #2 - Nourishing Body vs Entertaining Taste Buds

Thank you for coming back to enjoy this second blog entry. I sincerely appreciate you interest and trust.

It is important to read these blog posts in order, so if you have been referred to this post by someone who cares about you, please also read the first post. It will enhance your results.

[To achieve the greatest benefit, please ensure you have a piece of paper and a pen available.]
Have you heard of Jamie Oliver's 'Food Revolution'? He is a man with a serious passion to help people and his approach is remarkably simple, yet extremely powerful.

His passion is helping people through educating them on WHY healthy food choices are important. He traveled, on his own expense from England, where he is a successful chef, to an area of the Mid-West, USA, that is affected with extremely high rates of obesity in children. The profiled family was absolutely lovely. A mom and her 3 elementary-age children. Mom was caring, warm and you could tell that she loved her children very much. Sadly, all of them were extremely overweight. The children, understandably, expressed sadness, frustration and even worse. The ridicule they endured at school is something the mom wished she could keep her children safe from. They kids were curious and, for good reason, had motivation to not be fat and unhealthy. They just didn’t know how as what they learned was from their mom, who was passing on what she had learned from her mom. Everyone had been doing the best they could with what they had – it just wasn’t going in the right direction. Maybe you can relate?

The first thing Jamie asked her to do was create a list of the food they eat in one day; breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. [Quick Exercise - Make a quick list of what you eat during a typical week (workday) / weekend day. 5 basic items for each day]

Their list was pretty typical; cereal, waffles, sausages, chicken fingers, pizza, fish & chips, garlic toast, burgers, hotdogs, soda, juice, pizza pops and burritos. What's on YOUR list? Pretty regular stuff, right?

Jamie then went to the store and got 7 days worth of food for the family. When it was piled on the kitchen table, the family was brought in to see their pile. As you can well imagine, it was an overflowing brown, blah mess. He then looked at the mom, touched her arm, looked into her eyes and softly said, "Did you realize that this is the fuel you are putting through your family each week?" She started to cry. And so did I...

Now imagine your two lists. Let's create your pile. Take your weekday list x 5, and your weekend list x 2. Put 3 meals per day (plus any snacks) on your own kitchen table. Close your eyes now and picture your pile. Be honest with yourself. What does your weekly pile look like? Is it bright, colourful and exciting? Is it brown and blah looking? Now, imagine me standing beside you, touching your arm, and let's be real my friend, "This is the fuel that you are putting through your body each week, x 52 weeks per year."

What does your pile look like for the next 30 years? What does the pile look like for your family? Include the snacks... Imagine and SEE YOUR own pile.

WOW. Please take a second and have a few deep breaths.

Now, would you agree that this is a simple, yet powerful display and visual explanation of why you and other people in your life carry excessive weight or feel less than awesome on a regular basis? Could it possibly also be why you or someone you know has become depressed and experienced deteriorating health? The quality of your health & happiness is directly related to the contents of your pile. YOUR pile is YOUR pile. It's made up of YOUR own stuff. No one is putting things in YOUR pile. The person who creates YOUR pile is sitting in YOUR chair.

So, let's talk about how to create your perfect pile. You may have heard this before, “How you do anything is how you do everything”, meaning that a burger isn't going to hurt you; neither are waffles or some fish & chips. However, if that is what makes up your lifestyle diet and that's repeated on a consistent basis, you will, a little at a time over the years, become the result of a lifestyle that's made up of burgers, waffles and fish & chips.

So let me ask you this; #1) Have you ever wished to be healthy and fit? #2) Have you ever felt like you have done all the right stuff and still struggle to be the best version of yourself?

The good news is that whatever has brought you to where you stand right now doesn't exist anymore. You might think it does because you have a memory of it. It feels very real, and it has been very important because it has taught you many lessons. More good news - the success of TODAY does not depend on your history being repeated. Tomorrow does not require anything you've tried before that doesn't work. Anything that didn't work simply doesn't need to be included. You have, my friend, before you a fresh opportunity to create the best version of yourself, and you can start RIGHT NOW if that works for YOU.

Are you ready to get started?

Now it would be easy for me to just tell you what to eat, right? Well, at first, but how long would that last? Perhaps a few days or even a week before what was happening becomes again the norm. Change is difficult, so let's focus on the process of evolution. Let's evolve you, step-by-step, day-by-day, week-by-week into the best possible version of YOURSELF.

Every second of every hour of each day, there are systems in your body working on cell generation. Cell generation happens all the time, not just 3 times per day as we've been conditioned to understand. Therefore, what you are using as fuel for your body is important all the time.

Some say the human body regenerates every 7-10 years which is a fantastic thought because it means we actually become a whole new person over and over and over again. Others argue that claim is not true because some cells (very, very few) have a super slow regeneration rate after age 25. Some actually die off and never regenerate. I say, let's not argue semantics. There's a lot going on. Let's talk about that and let the rest of the details work themselves out. Your skin, and largest organ, becomes new or generates on a cycle of about 28 days. Your skin also acts as a mirror for what's going on inside your body. Imperfections are symptoms of an imbalance or blockage within your body and your body’s way of telling you that something is not working properly and needs some assistance.

Bottom line is that your body is producing cells each hour of every day and whether they are RE-generating or DE-generating depends on the available building blocks they have to use during the process. If the quality of the input is good, then the outcome is good. If it's not, well then...
So, the first step in creating our perfect pile is being AWARE about what is going into our current pile. Let's establish the starting point. Please, if you're so inclined, moment to moment as you are going through your day, adding to your pile, ask yourself this simple question, "Is what I'm putting in my mouth for the purpose of ‘nourishing my body’ or ‘entertaining my taste buds’?" Now, go ahead and eat it.

That's it. Just categorize. The first step of evolving into the most awesome version of yourself is to start the process of becoming aware of what's going on and establishing a starting point. This part of the process is only becoming aware.
I'm so proud of you for making a commitment to be mindful of WHY you are putting WHAT you are putting in your mouth. If it's helpful, go ahead and start a short journal and make notes about what you eat. You can even send me a private message with your list if you would like me to help you monitor your progress. During this time, you're simply becoming aware of what's going on, and then later on we can discuss what's going on. If you have any questions, I'm here to help!

Congratulations for allowing yourself to consider what is going on. It's the most important step of the process. You are now officially on your way! =)