Saturday, August 11, 2012

SterlingizeMe - Become the Best Version of YOU! - The WHY Behind the Event.

So I’ve been asked several times now why I am putting on an event and what it is for, I thought I would share here how this idea came about.

As you may know I have been going through transition and working very diligently to find myself. A few days ago, everything sort of just came together. On August 6th I took a Wealth Dynamics Profile, it asks you a series of questions to determine your natural strengths. It shares with you what you should and more importantly should not be doing in order to stay in the ‘Flow’. In further learning about myself I decided that I should really define what I want to do and what is important to me. I was asked this question - “What do you want to do?”

This is what I came up with:

I would like to be forefront in a movement that inspires the spark of entrepreneurial spirit to become infectious. I believe this is a natural progression to having a healthy body, mind and spirit.

I’ve taken this as a sign to put it out there and see who’s with me. So please read, and if you are interested in seeing where this journey leads and what it entails, stay tuned and come to my event on August 22nd, 2012 in Calgary. [To register - go to]

So much of what we were taught in school and witness in modern day society is plain wrong. It doesn’t make much sense; it doesn’t allow us to be in full control of our dreams, goals and aspirations. Some of us have even become so detached and disconnected that we have forgotten what it even feels like to have a dream instead of just trying to catch up.

If we all came together and collaborated to push each other up, we would all thrive. If the language used in daily life, and the measures to preserve it were respected in all the moments we’d inhabit a different earth.

I don’t know about you, but I would rather live on that earth. I know that the only way to make life better for everyone is make life better for myself. The effect of my continuously improved behaviour will have a good impact in my life and also in the lives of those around me.

Together I believe that we can change the world. I have had the great fortune of receiving training and coaching from amazing individuals, two of whom have made a particularity big impact. What they share are a few core values, and the inner knowing of what they appreciate. Their passion is helping people from the inside out become the healthiest, happiest and wealthiest people they can be.

I use the teachings of Specialist Doctor Natasha Iyer and Coach Marco Kozlowski in my own life to effect small change in the right direction that blossom and evolve into positive lasting big change. I figured if this is what is helping me, why not set something up so that this is what can help others? So here we are… 11 days away from my very first event. Am I scared – yes. Am I nervous – yes. And after I give my head a little shake, do I know deep within myself that this is the right thing to do at the right time with the right people – YES! And that makes me EXCITED. I know this will be an incredibly inspiring evening. The right pieces are coming together.

This is what I believe - Every second of every minute of every hour of every day our bodies, which are made up of trillions upon trillions of cells are generating. If they have the right ingredients (building blocks of life) then they RE-Generate. If they get the wrong ingredients (chemicals, poisons, processed crap) they DE-Generate.

If we focus on what we DO want and then take the proper steps to achieve that and make it a reality, the rest of the stuff naturally falls away and becomes nothing more than a distant memory.

I want to make a difference. I know that I can’t do this alone.

Please join me and let’s make a difference together.

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