Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Do you subscribe to Option #2?

If there are 28 people in a kindergarten class and 27 of them think it's a good idea to eat glue and staples - it's still not a smart idea. What's my point?

Democracy isn't always a good idea - especially when it's an Electoral College or, obviously a group of juveniles who haven't been educated about the intricacies of how the world works. Everyone knows eating glue is bad, right?

Reading this post - I just had to respond - Celebrating victory right now incites to me being content to being entertained rather than educated. Treated as a commodity rather than a human being will free will. There truly are two options - Option #1... Be a part of a system that focuses on 3 main parts. Art & entertainment. Humanities & language. Technology & politics. There has been a system created that allows individuals to be distracted from fulfilling their own life potential of something specific that is personally relevant to them and becoming hypnotized (for lack of a better descriptive word) by mass-attraction (social correctness). They are enticed by clever marketing and distracted by pretty pictures. They are misinformed by nifty, emotionally stimulating, popular 'social issues' that negatively reflect differences rather than celebrating similarities. Driven by ego, social correctness, greed, fear... option #1. Rather then discuss ways to make things better, collectively, they make rude jokes and expect to be taken care of.

There is another choice - we have all experienced enough to understand that 'collectives' cannot understand and give meaning to individual lives. These groups are better at screaming 'crucify him' rather than 'let's take a subjective look at our own behavior'. Organized sciences can manipulate interest groups by convincing them why they don't want to be like the other guy, rather than on focusing on what they DO want to be like; economy, ecology - even politics. The voice indicates that regardless if the choice is logical, the other way is sooo bad for this list of options so apparently it is the better of two evils. Bad idea.

Option #2... Is consciously understanding your own personal life fulfillment. Pulling away from what's popular and focusing on what's innately right for YOU. Giving effort to someone else's dream is self-destructive. Even if you do win - the reward won't taste that sweet. It's not your dream.

Spend some time alone with the most important person on earth. YOU. Figure out how YOU think, innately. What's your style? What makes you tick? How do you enjoy life, interaction and what can you contribute? Option 2 requires rising above what's popular and doing what's essential to your own life fulfillment. Not because someone says or you're scared, but because you've researched, educated yourself and have decided that, for you, this is the right decision.


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