Thursday, January 31, 2013

Healthy eating is now available in Restaurants near YOU!

Excuse  – I can’t eat healthy because I eat out too often in restaurants.  

Because you eat in restaurants is not an acceptable reason that you can’t be healthy and eat well to properly fuel y our body.

And before you say it doesn’t work – trust me. I have personally tested this theory in over a hundred different restaurants in 12 different countries – it works.

It’s key to have a plan going in and know how to ASK for what you want.

There are foods that Nourish your body. There are foods that serve to Entertain your Taste Buds… Choose wisely – this is your life.

Focus on eating:
  • leafy greens and whole veggies
  • gluten free grains
  • wild fish, free range chicken, turkey or duck
  • whole fruits
  • nuts
  • seeds
  • coconut oil
  • apple cider vinegar
  • plant-based protien
  • green tea, lemon water or coconut water
  • alkaline water
Stay away from:
  • dairy
  • eggs
  • wheat
  • gluten products
  • processed and refined sugar
  • soy products
  • coffee, pop, alcohol
  • corn products
  • peanuts
  • trans fats
  • processed, created food products that are not made with real foods


Friday, January 25, 2013

I love food

I love food.

I truly do. Last night after recording myself talk about groceries I felt a little weird about it. I mean – really – who makes videos talking about what they buy at the grocery store and why? I guess I do. (Watch this 7 minute personal video of me in my kitchen explaining all the items I picked up at the store, what I do with them and WHY)

WHY? I have a love for food. True, real food. And when I hear people say that they love food and I see them eating junk and processed chemical and preservative ridden mimics of food-like products it bothers me a great deal. They are not loving food – they are loving eating. And they do it to satisfy their body because their body is telling them they are hungry.

And it is – hungry for nutrients. But that’s not what we feed our bodies when we’re reaching for quick, convenience – packaged products…

High calorie, low nutrient foods are taking over the shelves at the grocery stores leaving very little room and decreasing demand for fresh produce and true food products.

I have discovered why we think we love food and our story includes all sorts of delicious creations that are convenient and provided to us at a relative cost. Or low price – the cost to your health is VERY HUGE. (You can pay now or you can pay later - either way you are going to pay. Please don't sell your health to the lowest bidder.)

We’re addicted. Plain and simple. And just like battling drug addiction – recognising the bio-chemical component of addiction and learning how your body works can empower you to make different decisions that will impact your health, your vitality, your energy and the overall quality of your life.

Next time you go to the grocery store – perhapse do this: Observe what people are putting into their carts and then imagine – just by looking at them – what their energy level probably is and how healthy they are. Don’t start at people… just observe them – without judgement. To learn – and see what is really going on.

Last night I saw a family of 4 walk by – cart filled with colourful cardboard packages, frozen pizza… fish sticks… pasta side dishes, rice side dishes, items with unpronounceable ingredients that have been shaped and moulded to resemble food products. This family looks sluggish, overweight and have unsightly blemishes or patches on their skin. I can imagine that being overweight translates into being ridiculed at school for the kids. It’s not fair. And it’s not necessary.

There are too many unknowns in our food supply. It is time to get back to basics and make decisions that are in line with fueling your body for success.
Education leads to understanding. Understanding leads to knowing better.
Know [Better]. Do [Better]. Be [Better].
I work with a fantastic Doctor who helps people just like you overcome challenges and acheive optimum health!
Listen to her next Free Call!