Thursday, September 6, 2012

30 Days to Bliss - Day 1: Make the Choice

I have fallen into the ‘must be perfect to get started’ rut. Thank you to my dear friend, Dara Kennedy, for starting a group and inspiring me to get back at my blogging. I have lost my beloved iPad (left on plane L) which had about 30 partial blog postings done. … Guess that teaches me my lesson about not finishing what I start or thinking too much about something and trying to make sure it is perfect before I put it online.

So when I saw this group today - 30 Days to Bliss – I though – there is no time like the present.

Dara’s post - Day 1: Make the Choice – is like a direct order. So I am. Thank you Dara.

I am so excited to be a part of such an amazing group and enlightening concept. Like many of you, I have been sort of like a caged bird or trained elephant… Let me explain…

A little bird is caged after breaking its wings to ensure that it doesn’t hinder the healing by getting out and trying to fly too quickly. Sometimes the healing takes so long that when the door is finally opened, the bird doesn’t venture out because it has forgotten how to take off. This group will serve as a support system to help inspire us to ‘take off’ and fly again.

When elephants are young and born into circus service, they are chained with a heavy cuff around their leg. As they grow they just accept that since there is a restriction on them that keeps them restrained they learn to associate the cuff with restriction. As they grow bigger and stronger they could easily break away from the chain but they don’t even try because of the way that they have been conditioned to believe. When they finally perform in the circus there isn’t even a chain – just a cuff or ‘bracelet’ around the ankle. It offers enough of the same ‘feeling’ that the elephants don’t even try to escape.

Can you relate to feeling caged even if the door is open or restricted even though the chain is removed? Make The Choice is so important because it reflects in the direction of what we ARE looking for, rather than what we are NOT looking for.

You WILL end up with what you ARE or NOT looking for – so focus on the ARE!

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